How Can You Help
How can you help us help those who need your support the most

Child Sponsorship
This program provides support for children, usually until the end of high school or vocational training. It provides all education and health support, nutritional supplements, health and hygiene awareness education. The support is provided to families where they are, enabling families to stay together as much as possible. Children are given daily Christian teaching through bible stories, prayer time, singing and social activities, and so are exposed to the love that Christ has shown all of us.. Sponsors receive two progress reports and photos each year and correspondence with the child is possible.

We partner with existing projects that support those suffering with HIV/AIDS, enabling us to reach those children who are suffering extreme poverty and hardship. As part of our child sponsorship program you are given the opportunity to help those who are suffering the consequences of HIV/AIDS.

Support a Project
These are specific activities we choose from time to time to support. Contributors can donate as they are able and the funds will be allocated to the specific project.
Currently we are working on projects in urban slum areas in developing countries. We see this as a major issue for many countries as rural agricultural workers leave their villages and move to the cities searching for work.