Sponsor a Child
Transforming Children's Lives
- Birthday: 2018
- Gender: Male
- Child Number: 014A
- Year of Admission: 2023
Ajay is from the village of Benskatri in Central India.
He is the youngest of 3 children. Ajay comes from a very poor background. His father was an alcoholic and died due to alcohol related issues. In extreme distress Ajay's mother abandoned all 3 children and has not been heard from for the past 4 years. Extreme poverty puts huge pressures on families. Ajay is one of many "kids in crisis".
Ajay's grandparents, who are also living in poverty, have taken on the responsibility of caring for all 3 children. They can't afford to send Ajay to school or provide for his basic needs.
The Help A Child Australia RESTORE program will stand by Ajay's grandparents (ie; his primary care givers) and, guided by a loving Christian counsellor, will seek to enhance his educational, physical, emotional and spiritual development.
Support includes:
- Meeting his school costs, ensuring that Ajay continues to attend school
- Monitoring his health and any medical issues
- Seeking to provide some supportive counselling for his mental and emotional health
- Witnessing to Ajay and his wider family about a GOD who, in love and mercy, sent His SON
May Ajay continue "...to grow in stature and favour with the LORD and with people." 1 Sam. 2:26